
The Stafford Public School's Learner will:
  • Develop effective oral, written, and digital communication skills.
  • Use a variety of modalities and tools to express and share ideas.
  • Engage in active listening and respectful discourse to advance understanding.
  •  Use interpersonal skills to learn and work with individuals from diverse backgrounds.
  • Write with precision, clarity, and coherence appropriate to the task and audience.

By the end of Grade 5, students will...
  By the end of Grade 12, students will...
  • Articulate ideas to communicate clearly through an authentic product (written /digital /visual), reflecting purpose and audience.
  • Initiate student-led respectful discourse with individual and group reflection to influence their work.
  • Participate actively, listening, and demonstrating the ability to adjust their thinking when new ideas emerge.
  • Communicate clearly and respectfully with diverse teams.
  • Engage in conversation while demonstrating in whole-body listening.
  • Demonstrate appropriate digital responsibilities while participating in telecommunications.

  • Select appropriate means of communication for purpose of conversation /discourse
  • Engage in respectful discourse when faced with opposing points of view.
  • Collaborate to work out problems with diverse personalities.
  • Demonstrate effective interview skills.
  • Engage in conversation with eye contact.
  • Utilize technology to fill specific communication needs.
  • Utilize phones to verbally introduce yourself and hold a conversation (conversational etiquette).
  • Utilize appropriate greeting, body and closure with all written communications.

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