COVID-19 Information

Please click the below links for information and additional resources regarding COVID-19:


COVID-19 2023 Update -- Ending the Public Health Crisis

 COVID-19 Guidance for your community


Did you know… beginning September 25, 2023, every U.S. household can again place an order to receive four (4) free COVID-19 rapid tests delivered directly to their home.  Click the following link to order:

Also, before you throw out "Expired" tests, check the COVID-19 expiration date as many have been extended.  Click on the following link to review: Extended Test.

Heart with Keeping You Safe
In an attempt to keep our community updated, we have compiled information regarding the Coronavirus and what you can do to keep your family safe.

Social Distancing, Quarantine & Isolation    Four people spaced one meter from each other to show social distancing.
 Front and back of hand showing the different target areas of handwashing and most often missed areas.   Wash Your Hands!
COVID-19 Symptoms    Four circles each with the silouhette of a person. First represents a fever, second a person coughing, third is for a sore throat and the last one represents shortness of breathe.
Four heads with different style masks. First has regular mask, second has bandana, third is wearing a neck gator and the last is wearing a scarf.
  Cloth Face Covering Information
 COVID-19 Stay Home When Sick   Boy laying in bed with a thermometer in his mouth.
 Poster with two images of germs. The one of the left is named Coronavirus and the one on the right reads flu. The title reads "Coronavirus vs. The Flu, What's the Difference?"    COVID 19 vs. Influenza

Have questions regarding COVID?  
    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has compiled frequently asked questions on their website where you can get up-to-date information regarding COVID-19. Please click on the CDC logo to the right to access this information.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention logo.

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