Human Resources


Christine Marinelli

Circle containing 8 smaller circles with images inside each along with a title. Starting at the top moving in a clockwise direction are the following; picture of a head that reads "Potential", figure of a man that reads "Employee", figure of a person with a star that reads "Skill", looking glass surrounded with arrows that reads "Research", figure of a person standing with an easel that reads "Training", image of three heads with one inside a looking glass that reads "Recruiting", speedometer from a car that reads "Performance", and circles creating a pyramid with the bottom row as men that reads "Leadership". The middle reads "Human Resources".

Lynne McGlynn
Director of Human Resources  Payroll and Benefits Coordinator 
[email protected] [email protected]
860-684-2208, ext.2
860-684-2208, ext. 4


Alison Rufrano 

Attendance Secretary

[email protected]

860-684-2208, ext.9


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