West Stafford School is located in Stafford, Connecticut
We are excited to welcome our 2024-2025 Pre-Kindergarten class! Your child is about to take an exciting first step in his/her education. We are looking forward to the beginning of a collaborative partnership between home and school, in order to provide a successful transition for both your child and your family. Our Pre-K and Kindergarten Early Childhood Programs are accredited by the National Association of the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), and meets the standards set by NAEYC for exemplary early childhood programs.
All children who reside in the Town of Stafford and turn 3 and 4 on or before September 1, 2024, are eligible to apply. (Students must turn 3 prior to their start of school). Priority slots are given to 4-year-old students who turn 4 by September 1, 2024. 3-year-old slots are filled in order of registration.
Children who are currently enrolled in Stafford Public Schools' Pre-K program do not need to be re-registered.
If you do not have access to a computer or internet, or require additional assistance, please contact West Stafford School at (860) 684-3181.
Current Program Hours:
AM Pre-K: 8:30 am - 11:15 am
PM Pre-K: 12:15 pm - 3:00 pm
Full Day Pre-K: 8:30 am - 3:00 pm
Click here for the 24-25 School Calendar
*The district does not provide mid-day bussing for Pre-K students
Current Tuition & Sliding Scale Fees:
The district charges a family fee for the pre-kindergarten program. All families are required to submit a financial documentation (2023 Federal Tax Return, page 1, or if unavailable the 4 most recent pay stubs for all working adults in the home) to determine your actual family fee. We follow the OEC Family-Fees Schedule and the rates are capped as follows:
Up to $200/month for half day
Up to $400/month for full day
*The district offers a 50% discount for active military families
Click Here for our full 24-25 Registration Brochure!