Pupil Services

Special Education services are provided to all qualified students in Stafford from pre-kindergarten through grade 12 and/or age 22. For Special Education students new to the town, they must first register at the central office located at 16 Levinthal Run. A Planning and Placement Team (PPT) meeting is scheduled as soon as records are received from their prior school district to determine a child's needs and required services. Referrals for Special Education are accepted from teachers, parents, physicians, private mental health practitioners and anyone with an in-depth knowledge of the student and a concern for the individual's school functioning or success.

Stafford adheres to Connecticut State and Federal laws and regulations regarding the identification and education of disabled students. Strong efforts are made to determine and implement pre-referral strategies and interventions as a means of providing relief and assistance to a student as well as to develop a database of important educational information that will determine the need for more extensive formal assessments and evaluations as warranted. A continuum of special services, occurring within the regular classroom as well as in special education resource rooms and clinician's offices (speech /language; school psychology /social work; occupational and physical therapies), are available in all schools. All decisions regarding a special education student are addressed by a team of school staff, parents, advocates and other relevant practitioners in a wholehearted attempt to understand and address the needs of the 'whole child' and to develop a plan for success that all can subscribe to; this is called a Planning and Placement Team

For more detailed information regarding a child or about a specific school's program, the building principal should be contacted. For broader issues, please contact the Pupil Services Department at (860) 684-4212.

Wordle with the words: together, collaboration, assist, goals, administration, positive, create, support, futures, planning, academics, students, teachers, work, learn, educate, outcomes, services, parents.

Our Mission

The Mission of Stafford Public Schools Pupil Services is to collaborate with students, parents, community members, healthcare providers and educators to develop and implement a comprehensive integrated educational program of student services.

This collaboration will foster the academic, social, physical health, emotional success and general well-being of all students in a safe, respectful school environment.


Ashley Cassello (860) 684-4212 [email protected]
Director of Pupil Services
Kimberly Boutot (860) 684-4212 [email protected]
Executive Secretary    
Beverly Hovey (860) 684-4212 [email protected]


Department of Pupil Services is located at 11A Levinthal Run within Stafford Elementary School.

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